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Declaration on accessibility

We, the Borstel Research Center, Leibniz Lung Center, as website operators, endeavor to design the website in accordance with the relevant regulations on accessibility. The following legal provisions apply to us:

  • Law on the Equal Opportunities of People with Disabilities in Schleswig-Holstein (State Disability Equality Act - LBGG) and State Ordinance on Barrier-Free Access to Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Bodies (BFWebV SH)

This declaration on accessibility applies to the website:


Publication date of the website
This website was published on August 1st, 2024.

Last update of the website
This website was last technically and content-wise revised in key points from January 1st to August 31st, 2024.



Feedback and contact details
Have you noticed any deficiencies in the barrier-free access to content on our website or do you have comments or questions about barrier-free access?

Please feel free to contact us at:

Forschungszentrum Borstel
Leibniz Lungenzentrum
Parkallee 1-40
23845 Borstel
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Status of compliance with the requirements
This website is currently being checked for its compliance with the accessibility requirements.
As soon as the results are available, we will publish them here.

Further measures to improve barrier-free access to our website
We are always striving to improve barrier-free access to our website.
We are currently waiting for the test report so that we can implement further improvements in terms of accessibility.

Enforcement procedures
If you believe that you are disadvantaged by the insufficient accessibility of our website, you can contact the relevant enforcement body.
You can reach them at:

Beschwerdestelle für Barrieren von Informationen
Karolinenweg 1, 24105 Kiel
Postadresse: Postfach 7121, 24171 Kiel
Telefon: 0431 9881620, Fax: 0431 9886101620
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Creation of this accessibility statement
This statement was created on July 29, 2024.
The statement was last reviewed on July 29, 2024.

Source: eRecht24