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National Reference Center for Mycobacteria

Medical Head of NRZ

Dr. med. Inna Friesen, MSc
Dr. med. Inna Friesen, MSc
+49 4537 / 188-2110
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Dr. med. Martin Kuhns
Dr. med. Martin Kuhns
+49 4537 / 188-2075
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Scientific Head

Prof. Dr. Stefan Niemann
Prof. Dr. Stefan Niemann
+49 4537 / 188-7620
+49 4537 / 188-2091
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The National Reference Center, appointed by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute, participates in the coordination of measures in the fight against and the surveillance of tuberculosis (TB).

  • National Reference Center (NRC) for Mycobacteria
  • Supranational Reference Laboratory (SRL) of WHO



The activities of the Reference Center comprise the following domains:
  • Diagnostics: Examination of approximately 12,000 samples per year for the detection and identification of mycobacteria as well as for susceptibility testing
  • Epidemiology: DNA fingerprinting for the discovery of infection chains in order to improve control measures
  • Development, improvement, and evaluation of new techniques for a more rapid diagnosis of TB
  • Advisory service for diagnostic laboratories and physicians. The consultation comprises inquiries on the epidemiology, diagnostics, and therapy of TB
  • Training: Approximately 100 guests annually are trained in all fields of TB diagnostics.
  • Expert for INSTAND EQA for tuberculosis
  • Consultant: among others for WHO, Médecins sans frontières (MSF), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND),  "Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau" (KfW, "German loan bank for reconstruction"), and KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation with activities in the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegowina, Croatia, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrghysztan, Pakistan, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Southern Sudan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, and Uzbekistan.


Documetation-Video of the National Reference Center


youtube video zum NRZ bau

About the National Reference Center:

The NRZ for mycobacteria was one of the first reference centers in Germany and has always been based at the Research Center Borstel. In addition to diagnostics, the focus of the work is on epidemiology and the development, improvement and evaluation of new techniques for faster diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). In addition, research focuses on antibiotic resistance, the development of new active ingredients and the transmission of TB in low and high incidence countries. The completion of the building and the move to the new laboratories is planned for 2021. The costs amount to 12.8 million euros and are funded equally by the federal and state governments.

  • Client: Research Center Borstel, Leibniz Lung Center
  • General planning: Heinle Wischer Gesellschaft für Generalplanung GmbH
  • Project manager: Turner & Townsend


  • Primary isolation of mycobacteria with liquid and solid media from all specimens
  • Detection of mycobacteria by means of nucleic acid amplification methods from all specimens (exception: venous blood and bone marrow)
  • Differentiation of mycobacteria by molecular techniques
  • Susceptibility testing of all mycobacteria species in liquid and on solid media. Genetic detection of mutations associated with resistance against INH and RMP.
  • DNA analyses (IS6110 DNA fingerprinting, spoligotyping, MIRU) for the comparison of tuberculosis bacteria isolates, for example in the case of a suspected laboratory cross contamination



Information on tuberculosis


Medical Head of NRZ

Dr. med. Inna Friesen, MSc
Dr. med. Inna Friesen, MSc
+49 4537 / 188-2110
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Dr. med. Martin Kuhns
Dr. med. Martin Kuhns
+49 4537 / 188-2075
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Scientific Head

Prof. Dr. Stefan Niemann
Prof. Dr. Stefan Niemann
+49 4537 / 188-7620
+49 4537 / 188-2091
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Office / Requests for test results

Franziska Köpke
+49 4537 / 188-2110
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Birgit Voß
Birgit Voß
+49 4537 / 188-2110
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Laboratory manager / Accounting

Birte Schlüter
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Anne-Kathrin Slevogt
Anne-Kathrin Slevogt
+49 4537 / 188-2050
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Staff scientists / external quality assessments

Dr. Sönke Andres
Dr. Sönke Andres
+49 4537 / 188-6480
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Dr. Doris Hillemann
Dr. Doris Hillemann
+49 4537 / 188-7610
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Dr. Susanne Homolka
Dr. Susanne Homolka
+49 4537 / 188-2840
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Christina Kallenberg
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Technical Staff

Melanie Awers
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Lea Behrens
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Kristine Beuck
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Rico Bluszis
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Fenja Boysen
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Anna Delfs
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Carina Dührkopp
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Silvia Höllger
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Claudia Larisch
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Ilse Radzio
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Birte Schlüter
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Katja Schweim
+49 4537 / 188-2100
+49 4537 / 188-3110
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Nationales & WHO Supranationales
Referenzzentrum für Mykobakterien (NRZ)
Parkallee 38
DE-23845 Borstel


Last Update: 22.04.2024