Bioanalytical Chemistry

Our group focuses on the identification and quantitation of membrane components and immunological active biomolecules. We are specialized in the analysis of lipids, glyco-conjugates, and cell wall components. We aim to reveal signaling cascades and biosynthetic pathways on the molecular level, which are altered due to inflammation and infection. For that, we develop and apply OMICs workflows and methods for structural characterization. In our RG, we unite competences in mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) approaches enabling in-depth studies of metabolic processes in biological model system as well as clinical samples.
The RG Bioanalytical Chemistry focus on the identification and quantitation of membrane components and immunological active biomolecules. Our RG is specialized in the analysis of lipids, glycol-conjugates and cell wall components. We aim to reveal signaling cascades and biosynthetic pathways on the molecular level, which are altered due to inflammation and infection. For that we develop and apply OMICs workflows and methods for structural characterization. In our RG, we unite competences in mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) approaches enabling in-depth studies of metabolic processes in biological model system as well as clinical samples.
Selected Projects
(1) Structure-function analysis of mycobacterial cell wall components
To develop diagnostic tools as well as new therapeutic strategies against M. tuberculosis (M.tb) we require a better understanding how the pathogen interacts with the cell membranes and receptors of the host. For that we advance analytical approaches using mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). In our research for the German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF) we search for lipid molecules that can be used as diagnostic markers during therapy. Together with our collaborators (Microbial Interface Biology, Cellular Microbiology, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Molecular Mycobacteriology, National Reference Center for M.tb) we study membrane bound processes and lipid metabolic alterations that enable M.tb to escape the host immune response.
(2) Lipid metabolism of the lung
The lung epithelial tissue is constantly exposed to particles, toxic chemicals, allergens and pathogens through the inhaled air. In this regard the barrier function and immune system of the lung is of vital importance for human health. For the respiratory physiology the production of surfactant represents a special link to cellular lipid metabolism. In the alveolar tissue, type II pneumocytes secret surfactant composed of glycerophospholipids and proteins as vesicles via exocytosis. Type I pneumocytes are covering about 90 percent of the alveolar interface, which require a specific membrane composition to maintain their special thin shape and barrier function. In context of our research for the German Center for Lung Research (DZL) we study the perturbation of the lipid metabolism occurring in correlation to the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In cooperation with the Clin. and Exp. Pathology and LungenClinic Grosshansdorf clinical well defined biopsies are characterized. We further perform studies on animal models for inflammatory and allergic processes on the airway epithelium together with Prof. Peter König (Uni Lübeck).
(3) Structure-function analysis of teichoic acids of S. pneumoniae
Teichoic acids of the human lung pathogen S. pneumoniae and some closely related bacteria (as S. oralis and S. mitis) possess an unusual complex structure and bear phosphorylcholine (P-Cho) as a substituent, which is uncommon compared to other bacteria. These P-Cho residues serve as anchors for surface-exposed choline-binding proteins (CBPs), which are involved in essential physiological functions of S. pneumoniae such as cell wall turnover and bacterial adhesion to host cells. Together with our collaborators (Prof. Dr. Sven Hammerschmidt, Dr. Thomas Kohler (Univ. Greifswald), Dr. Dalia Denapaite (Univ. Kaiserslautern), Prof. Dr. Waldemar Vollmer (Univ. Newcastle, England), Prof. Dr. Christian Marcus Pedersen (Univ. Kopenhagen, Danmark), Prof. Dr. Juan Hermoso (CSIC, Madrid, Spanien)) we especially focus on the molecular and structural analysis of S. pneumoniae teichoic acid biosynthesis and the implications of teichoic acid alterations on the bacterial pathophysiology.
- German Center for Infection Research (DZIF)
Thematic Translational Unit of Tuberculosis; ClinTB - Structure elucidation and study of the biosynthesis of glycosylglycerolipids and teichoic acids of Streptococcus suis and their impact on pathogenicity (DFG)
- Lipidomics Informatics for Life-Science – LIFS de.NBI - German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure
- Flavodoxin inhibitors to kill resistant bacteria (FLAV4AMR, EU)
Analytical and semi-preparative liquid chromatography (LC, HPLC)
We utilize liquid chromatography to fractionate and analyse components of complex bacterial extracts and isolation of fractions for structural analysis using NMR and MS (Gisch et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011; Zähringer et al., J. Biol. Chem. 2014; Ranf et al., Nat. Immunol. 2015; Gisch et al., J. Biol. Chem. 2018).
For the identification and quantitation of lipids we utilize LipidXplorer software platform (Herzog et al., Genome Biol. 2011; Herzog et al., PLOS ONE 2012; Herzog et al., Current Protocols in Bioinformatics 2013). Further information can be found on the Lipidomics Informatics for Life Scinces (LIFS) web portal ( We utilize a number of statistical methods and multivariate data analysis approaches to interpret lipidomics data (Eggers et al., Scientific Reports 2017).
Lipidome homology
We developed a new metrics to determine the similarity between lipidomes of different organisms, tissues and cell types. The homology concept was designed to enable functional associations of lipidome compositions and foster utilization of model organisms for studying the impact of lipid metabolic alterations in human diseases (Marella et al., PLOS Comp. Biol. 2015; Eggers et al., Scientific Reports 2017). Details can be found on the LIFS web portal (
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
We perform quantitative fatty acid analysis and perform component analysis of carbohydrates, amino acids and glycoconjugates using specific chemical derivatization reactions.
Agilent Technologies 5975 inert XL Mass Selective Detector;
Agilent Technologies 5975C inert XL Mass Selective Detector
Mass spectrometry
Omics experiments as well as tandem mass spectrometric experiments for structural characterization are performed in our group.
(Turska-Szewcuk et al., Mar Drugs. 2014; Abdullah et al, Mol Microbiol. 2014; Hogendorf et al., Chemistry 2014; Gisch et al., J. Biol. Chem. 2018; Voß et al. Vaccines 2020, Gisch et al. Glycobiology 2021).
Instrument platforms:
- Quadrupole Time of Flight MS (Q-ToF Ultima, Micromass now Waters) coupled with Microflow HPLC-system (1100 Series, Agilent)
- Hybrid quadrupole-orbitrap mass spectrometer (Q Exactive Plus, Thermo Scientific) coupled with Microflow HPLC-system (1100 Series, Agilent) and(or Triversa Nanomate (Advion)
- Hybrid Cyclic IMS - TOF (Waters) coupled with microflow HPLC-System (1100 Series, Agilent) and/or Triversa Nanomate (Advion)
LC-MS/MS quantitation of antibiotics und drugs - Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (Quattro Premier XE, Micromass now Waters) equipped with a 1100 LC-system (Agilent).
- Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (XEVO TQ-MS, Waters) equipped with a 1100 LC-System (Agilent).
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
For structural characterization we utilize 1D- and 2D (COSY, NOESY, HSQC; HMBC etc.) experiments for 1H, 13C and 31P (Gisch et al., J. Biol. Chem. 2013; Heß, Waldow, Kohler et al., Nat. Commun. 2017; Waldow et al., J. Biol. Chem. 2018; Gisch et al., J. Biol. Chem. 2018).
Bruker Avance lll 700 MHz; equipped with an inverse 5-mm quadruple-resonance (1H,13C,15N,31P) CryoProbe or an inverse 1.7-mm triple-resonance (1H,13C,15N) micro-CryoProbe;
Bruker Avance ll 360 MHz; equipped with an inverse 5-mm double-resonance Broad Band Probe (among others)
Shotgun lipidomics
Complex biological lipid extracts are directly analysed using tandem mass spectrometric approaches (Schwudke et al., Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2011; Eggers and Schwudke, Clinical Metabolomics, Methods in Molecular Biology 2018). We further utilize lipidomics screens to analyse sample of biomedical studies (Schwudke et al., Anal Chem. 2007; Subramanian et al., Dis Model Mech. 2013; Müller et al., J. Virol. 2018; Hofmann et al., BBA - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 2018).
Hehner, J, Ludenia, L, Bierau, L, Schöbel, A, Schauflinger, M, Grande, YF, Schwudke, D & Herker, E 2025, 'Dengue virus is particularly sensitive to interference with long-chain fatty acid elongation and desaturation', The Journal of biological chemistry, S. 108222.
Römpp, A, Treu, A, Kokesch-Himmelreich, J, Marwitz, F, Dreisbach, J, Aboutara, N, Hillemann, D, Garrelts, M, Converse, PJ, Tyagi, S, Gerbach, S, Gyr, L, Lemm, A-K, Volz, J, Hölscher, A, Gröschel, L, Stemp, E-M, Heinrich, N, Kloss, F, Nuermberger, EL, Schwudke, D, Hoelscher, M, Hölscher, C & Walter, K 2025, 'The clinical-stage drug BTZ-043 accumulates in murine tuberculosis lesions and efficiently acts against Mycobacterium tuberculosis', Nature communications, Jg. 16, Nr. 1, S. 826.
Arias-Rojas, A, Arifah, AQ, Angelidou, G, Alshaar, B, Schombel, U, Forest, E, Frahm, D, Brinkmann, V, Paczia, N & Beisel, CL et al. 2024, 'MprF-mediated immune evasion is necessary for Lactiplantibacillus plantarum resilience in the Drosophila gut during inflammation', PLOS PATHOGENS, Jg. 20, Nr. 8, S. e1012462.
Bickel, J, Aboutara, N, Jungen, H, Szewczyk, A, Müller, A, Ondruschka, B & Iwersen-Bergmann, S 2024, 'Morphine concentrations in fatalities after palliative treatment of acute burn injury', International journal of legal medicine, Jg. 138, Nr. 3, S. 839-847.
Bickel, J, Szewczyk, A, Aboutara, N, Jungen, H, Müller, A, Ondruschka, B & Iwersen-Bergmann, S 2024, 'Chiral analysis of amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA and MDA enantiomers in human hair samples', Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Jg. 48, Nr. 4, S. 226-234.
Brugger, D, Wilhelm, B, Schusser, B, Gisch, N, Matthes, J, Zhao, J & Windisch, W 2024, 'Masson Pine pollen (Pinus massoniana) activate HD11 chicken macrophages invitro', Journal of ethnopharmacology, Jg. 325, S. 117870.
Hehner, J, Schneider, L, Woitalla, A, Ott, B, Vu, KCT, Schöbel, A, Hain, T, Schwudke, D & Herker, E 2024, 'Glycerophospholipid remodeling is critical for orthoflavivirus infection', Nature communications, Jg. 15, Nr. 1, S. 8683.
Kopczynski, D, Ejsing, CS, McDonald, JG, Bamba, T, Baker, ES, Bertrand-Michel, J, Brügger, B, Coman, C, Ellis, SR & Garrett, TJ et al. 2024, 'The Lipidomics Reporting Checklist A framework for transparency of lipidomic experiments and repurposing resource data', JOURNAL OF LIPID RESEARCH , Jg. 65, Nr. 9, S. 100621.
Li, F, Marwitz, F, Rudolph, D, Gauda, W, Cohrs, M, Neumann, PR, Lucas, H, Kollan, J, Tahir, A, Schwudke, D, Feldmann, C, Hädrich, G & Dailey, LA 2024, 'A Comparative Pharmacokinetics Study of Orally and Intranasally Administered 8-Nitro-1,3-benzothiazin-4-one (BTZ043) Amorphous Drug Nanoparticles', ACS pharmacology & translational science, Jg. 7, Nr. 12, S. 4123-4134.
Marwitz, F, Hädrich, G, Redinger, N, Besecke, KFW, Li, F, Aboutara, N, Thomsen, S, Cohrs, M, Neumann, PR & Lucas, H et al. 2024, 'Intranasal Administration of Bedaquiline-Loaded Fucosylated Liposomes Provides Anti-Tubercular Activity while Reducing the Potential for Systemic Side Effects', ACS infectious diseases, Jg. 10, Nr. 9, S. 3222-3232.
Maybin, M, Ranade, AM, Schombel, U, Gisch, N, Mamat, U & Meredith, TC 2024, 'IS1-mediated chromosomal amplification of the arn operon leads to polymyxin B resistance in Escherichia coli B strains', mBio, Jg. 15, Nr. 7, S. e0063424.
Paulikat, AD, Schwudke, D, Hammerschmidt, S & Voß, F 2024, 'Lipidation of pneumococcal proteins enables activation of human antigen-presenting cells and initiation of an adaptive immune response', FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, Jg. 15, S. 1392316.
Payen, S, Giroux, M-C, Gisch, N, Schombel, U, Fittipaldi, N, Segura, M & Gottschalk, M 2024, 'Lipoteichoic acids influence cell shape and bacterial division of Streptococcus suis serotype 2, but play a limited role in the pathogenesis of the infection', Veterinary Research, Jg. 55, Nr. 1, S. 34.
Scheffzük, C, Biedziak, D, Gisch, N, Goldmann, T & Stamme, C 2024, 'Surfactant protein A modulates neuroinflammation in adult mice upon pulmonary infection', Brain research, Jg. 1840, S. 149108.
Schromm, AB, Correa, W, Gisch, N, Steiniger, F, Richter, W, Martinez-de-Tejada, G, Brandenburg, K & von Wintzingerode, F 2024, 'Supramolecular assembly of micellar aggregates is the basis of low endotoxin recovery (LER) in a drug formulation that can be resolved by a whole blood assay', Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy, Jg. 173, S. 116286.
Silverman, GJ, Azzouz, DF, Gisch, N & Amarnani, A 2024, 'The gut microbiome in systemic lupus erythematosus: lessons from rheumatic fever', Nature reviews. Rheumatology, Jg. 20, Nr. 3, S. 143-157.
Azzouz, D, Chen, Z, Izmirly, PM, Chen, LA, Li, Z, Zhang, C, Mieles, D, Trujillo, K, Heguy, A, Pironti, A, Putzel, GG, Schwudke, D, Fenyo, D, Buyon, JP, Alekseyenko, AV, Gisch, N & Silverman, GJ 2023, 'Longitudinal gut microbiome analyses and blooms of pathogenic strains during lupus disease flares', ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES .
Burda, P-C, Ramaprasad, A, Bielfeld, S, Pietsch, E, Woitalla, A, Söhnchen, C, Singh, MN, Strauss, J, Sait, A, Collinson, LM, Schwudke, D, Blackman, MJ & Gilberger, T-W 2023, 'Global analysis of putative phospholipases in Plasmodium falciparum reveals an essential role of the phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C in parasite maturation', mBio, Jg. 14, Nr. 4, S. e0141323.
DZIF R-Net Study Group, Doijad, SP, Gisch, N, Frantz, R, Kumbhar, BV, Falgenhauer, J, Imirzalioglu, C, Falgenhauer, L, Mischnik, A, Rupp, J, Behnke, M, Buhl, M, Eisenbeis, S, Gastmeier, P, Gölz, H, Häcker, GA, Käding, N, Kern, WV, Kola, A, Kramme, E, Peter, S, Rohde, AM, Seifert, H, Tacconelli, E, Vehreschild, MJGT, Walker, SV, Zweigner, J, Schwudke, D & Chakraborty, T 2023, 'Resolving colistin resistance and heteroresistance in Enterobacter species', Nature communications, Jg. 14, Nr. 1, 140, S. 140.
Frantz, R, Gwozdzinski, K, Gisch, N, Doijad, SP, Hudel, M, Wille, M, Abu Mraheil, M, Schwudke, D, Imirzalioglu, C, Falgenhauer, L, Ehrmann, M & Chakraborty, T 2023, 'A Single Residue within the MCR-1 Protein Confers Anticipatory Resilience', Microbiology spectrum, Jg. 11, Nr. 3, S. e0359222.
Holzinger, JM, Toelge, M, Werner, M, Ederer, KU, Siegmund, HI, Peterhoff, D, Blaas, SH, Gisch, N, Brochhausen, C, Gessner, A & Bülow, S 2023, 'Scorpionfish BPI is highly active against multiple drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from people with cystic fibrosis', eLife, Jg. 12, e86369.
Klabunde, B, Wesener, A, Bertrams, W, Beinborn, I, Paczia, N, Surmann, K, Blankenburg, S, Wilhelm, J, Serrania, J, Knoops, K, Elsayed, EM, Laakmann, K, Jung, AL, Kirschbaum, A, Hammerschmidt, S, Alshaar, B, Gisch, N, Mraheil, MA, Becker, A, Völker, U, Vollmeister, E, Benedikter, BJ, Schmeck, B 2023, 'NAD+ metabolism is a key modulator of bacterial respiratory epithelial infections', Nature communications, 14 (1):5818.
Kopczynski, D, Hoffmann, N, Troppmair, N, Coman , C, Ekroos, K, Kreutz, MR, Liebisch, G, Schwudke, D, Ahrends, R 2023, 'LipidSpace: Simple Exploration, Reanalysis, and Quality Control of Large-Scale Lipidomics Studies', Analytical Chemistry, 95 (41):15236-15244.
Minhas, V, Domenech, A, Synefiaridou, D, Straume, D, Brendel, M, Cebrero, G, Liu, X, Costa, C, Baldry, M, Sirard, J-C, Perez, C, Gisch, N, Hammerschmidt, S, Håvarstein, LS & Veening, J-W 2023, 'Competence remodels the pneumococcal cell wall exposing key surface virulence factors that mediate increased host adherence', PLOS BIOLOGY , Jg. 21, Nr. 1, S. e3001990.
Schwudke, D 2023, 'What information is contained in experimentally determined lipid profiles?', Frontiers in Analytical Sciences, Jg. 3, 1157582.
Buchkapitel / Book Chapter:
Kopczynski D, Krause D, Al Machot F, Schwudke D, Hoffmann N, Ahrends R. 2023, 'The Past and Future of Lipidomics Bioinformatics.', Mass Spectrometry for Lipidomics: Methods and Applications 1, 271-290,
Brandenburg J, Heyckendorf J, Marwitz F, Zehethofer N, Linnemann L, Gisch N, Karaköse H, Reimann M, Kranzer K, Kalsdorf B, Sanchez-Carballo P, Weinkauf M, Scholz V, Malm S, Homolka S, Gaede KI, Herzmann C, Schaible UE, Hölscher C, Reiling N, Schwudke D 2022, 'Tuberculostearic Acid-Containing Phosphatidylinositols as Markers of Bacterial Burden in Tuberculosis', ACS Infect Dis., Jg. 8, Nr. 7, S. 1303-1315.
Dannenberger D, Eggert A, Kalbe C, Woitalla A, Schwudke D. 2022, 'Are n-3 PUFAs from Microalgae Incorporated into Membrane and Storage Lipids in Pig Muscle Tissues?-A Lipidomic Approach', ACS Omega, Jg. 7, Nr. 28, S. 24785-24794.
Gerster, T, Wröbel, M, Hofstaedter, CE, Schwudke, D, Ernst, RK, Ranf, S & Gisch, N 2022, 'Remodeling of Lipid A in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola In Vitro', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES , Jg. 23, Nr. 4, 1996.
Gisch, N, Utpatel, C, Gronbach, LM, Kohl, TA, Schombel, U, Malm, S, Dobos, KM, Hesser, DC, Diel, R, Götsch, U, Gerdes, S, Shuaib, YA, Ntinginya, NE, Khosa, C, Viegas, S, Kerubo, G, Ali, S, Al-Hajoj, SA, Ndung’u, PW, Rachow, A, Hoelscher, M, Maurer, FP, Schwudke, D, Niemann, S, Reiling, N & Homolka, S 2022, 'Sub-Lineage Specific Phenolic Glycolipid Patterns in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Lineage 1', Frontiers in Microbiology, Jg. 13, S. 832054.
Heidler von Heilborn, D, Nover, L-L, Weber, M, Hölzl, G, Gisch, N, Waldhans, C, Mittler, M, Kreyenschmidt, J, Woehle, C, Hüttel, B & Lipski, A 2022, 'Polar lipid characterization and description of Chryseobacterium capnotolerans sp. nov., isolated from high CO2-containing atmosphere and emended descriptions of the genus Chryseobacterium, and the species C. balustinum, C. daecheongense, C. formosense, C. gleum, C. indologenes, C. joostei, C. scophthalmum and C. ureilyticum', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY, Jg. 72, Nr. 5.
Hoffmann N, Mayer G, Has C, Kopczynski D, Al Machot F, Schwudke D, Ahrends R, Marcus K, Eisenacher M, Turewicz M 2022, 'A Current Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics Tools, Data Formats and Resources for Mass Spectrometry Lipidomics', Metabolites, Jg. 12, Nr. 7, S. 584.
Huck, BC, Thiyagarajan, D, Bali, A, Boese, A, Besecke, KFW, Hozsa, C, Gieseler, RK, Furch, M, Carvalho-Wodarz, C, Waldow, F, Schwudke, D, Metelkina, O, Titz, A, Huwer, H, Schwarzkopf, K, Hoppstädter, J, Kiemer, AK, Koch, M, Loretz, B & Lehr, C-M 2022, 'Nano-in-Microparticles for Aerosol Delivery of Antibiotic-loaded, Fucose-derivatized and Macrophage-targeted Liposomes to Combat Mycobacterial Infections: In Vitro deposition, Pulmonary Barrier Interactions and Targeted Delivery', Advanced healthcare materials, S. e2102117.
Kupsch, S, Eggers, LF, Spengler, D, Gisch, N, Goldmann, T, Fehrenbach, H, Stichtenoth, G, Krause, MF, Schwudke, D & Schromm, AB 2022, 'Characterization of phospholipid-modified lung surfactant in vitro and in a neonatal ARDS model reveals anti-inflammatory potential and surfactant lipidome signatures', European journal of pharmaceutical sciences, Jg. 175, S. 106216.
McDonald JG, Ejsing CS, Kopczynski D, Holčapek M, Aoki J, Arita M, Arita M, Baker ES, Bertrand-Michel J, Bowden JA, Brügger B, Ellis SR, Fedorova M, Griffiths WJ, Han X, Hartler J, Hoffmann N, Koelmel JP, Köfeler HC, Mitchell TW, O'Donnell VB, Saigusa D, Schwudke D, Shevchenko A, Ulmer CZ, Wenk MR, Witting M, Wolrab D, Xia Y, Ahrends R, Liebisch G, Ekroos K 'Introducing the Lipidomics Minimal Reporting Checklist', Nat. Metab. 2022 Aug 8. Online ahead of print.
Öhlmann, S, Krieger, A-K, Gisch, N, Meurer, M, de Buhr, N, von Köckritz-Blickwede, M, Schütze, N & Baums, CG 2022, 'd-Alanylation of Lipoteichoic Acids in Streptococcus suis Reduces Association With Leukocytes in Porcine Blood', Frontiers in Microbiology, Jg. 13, S. 822369.
Palusińska-Szysz, M, Jurak, M, Gisch, N, Waldow, F, Zehethofer, N, Nehls, C, Schwudke, D, Koper, P & Mazur, A 2022, 'The human LL-37 peptide exerts antimicrobial activity against Legionella micdadei interacting with membrane phospholipids', BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY OF LIPIDS, Jg. 1867, Nr. 6, S. 159138.
Stafford CA, Gassauer AM, de Oliveira Mann CC, Tanzer MC, Fessler E, Wefers B, Nagl D, Kuut G, Sulek K, Vasilopoulou C, Schwojer SJ, Wiest A, Pfautsch MK, Wurst W, Yabal M, Fröhlich T, Mann M, Gisch N, Jae LT, Hornung V, 'Phosphorylation of muramyl peptides by NAGK is required for NOD2 activation', Nature, 2022 Aug 24. Online ahead of print.
Walter, K, Kokesch-Himmelreich, J, Treu, A, Waldow, F, Hillemann, D, Jakobs, N, Lemm, A-K, Schwudke, D, Römpp, A & Hölscher, C 2022, 'Interleukin-13 overexpressing mice represent an advanced pre-clinical model for detecting the distribution of anti-mycobacterial drugs within centrally necrotizing granulomas', Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 66 (6): e01588-21.

Scientific staff

Technical staff

- Belal Alshaar (2023) now at ISAS Dortmund
- Dr. Anke Bollen
- Birte Buske (now at Johann Heinrich Thünen Institut für Holzforschung)
- Kerstin Dathe
- M. Sc. Lisa M. Deter
- Dr. Lars F. Eggers (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- M. Sc. Christopher Jahn
- Dr. Hande Karaköse
- Dr. Matthias Krajewski
- Daniel Krause
- Brigitte Kunz
- PD Dr. Buko Lindner
- Helga Lüthje
- PD. Dr. Fadi Al Machot now Professor for Datamining and Machine Learning at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
- Dr. Chakravarthy Marella
- Verena Scholz
- Annika Sündermann
- Michael Weinkauf (verstorben: 24.3.2021), Nachruf
- Anna Woitalla (now at Landesamt für Soziale Dienste, Schleswig Holstein)
- Dr. Adam Wutkowski
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Zähringer
- Dr. Nicole Zehethofer (now at Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH)