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Fluorescence Cytometry

Dr. Jochen Behrends
Dr. Jochen Behrends
Leitung zentrale Einheit Fluoreszenz-Zytometrie Mitglied in der DGfZ, Co-Moderator bei CYTOMETRY.DE
+49 4537 / 188-5951
+49 4537 / 188-6860
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Dr. Thomas Scholzen
Dr. Thomas Scholzen
Leitung zentrale Einheit Fluoreszenz-Zytometrie
+49 4537 / 188-5970
+49 4537 / 188-6970
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Main Emphasis

The Fluorescence Cytometry unit is a core facility providing service in the fields of microscopy and flow cytometry for both Priority Research Areas of the center.



The Fluorescence Cytometry is a core facility providing up-to-date equipment in the field of microscopy and flow cytometry for both Priority Research Areas of the center. In addition to care and maintenance of the equipment, the practical and theoretical training of employees is a main focus. Other services include counseling and assistance in experimental design and analysis. For complex methodical approaches cooperations with the respective research groups are carried out.

For microscopical studies there is currently a confocal laser scanning microscope Leica TCS SP5 with five lasers available. The device permits free selection of wavelength ranges for detection and is equipped with three photomultipliers and two very sensitive hybrid detectors. In addition, for live cell analysis, an Olympus IX-81 system can be used.

Chipcytometry enables the iterative analysis of biomarkers on single-tissue or cell suspension samples. Additionally, samples can be preserved and stored/shipped for controlled centralized analysis without significant biomarker degradation.

Flow cytometric analysis can be carried out on instruments with 12-21 fluorescence parameters including a FACSymphony A1, which is specially equipped with a small particle detector (SPD), allowing the detection of small particles down to at least 60nm.

In addition, a cell sorting service is offered employing a BD FACSAriaIIIu. This cell sorter provides four excitation lasers and 13 fluorescence channels (by the use of a bioBUBBLE, biosafety level 2 sorts are possible).

In autumn 2023, the facility is able to provide the users with the FACSDiscover S8 with cell view image technology; 6-way sortings are possible, using 78 spectral parameters in addition with image detectors (including three fluorescence channels).

Scientists at the Research Center Borstel have also access to flow cytometric equipment within the biosafety level 3 laboratory. Analyzes can be carried out on a MACSQuant10 (3 lasers, 8 fluorescence channels). Within the BSL3 also a BioRad S3 cell sorter is available, which is equipped with two lasers and four fluorescence channels.

The Fluorescence Cytometry unit is jointly managed by Dr. Jochen Behrends and Dr. Thomas Scholzen.








Parvathy, GH, Bhandiwad, D, Eggers, L, Borstel, LV, Behrends, J, Hein, M, Hertz, D, Marschner, J, Orinska, Z & Kaufmann, SHE et al. 2024, 'Sex differences in vaccine induced immunity and protection against <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em>', Biorxiv, S. 2024.04.20.590403.



Albert, EM, Walsemann, T, Behrends, J & Jappe, U 2023, 'Lipid transfer protein syndome in a Northern European patient: An unusual case report', Frontiers in Medicine, Jg. 10, 1049477, S. 1049477.

Chen, J, Wang, X, Schmalen, A, Haines, S, Wolff, M, Ma, H, Zhang, H, Stoleriu, MG, Nowak, J, Nakayama, M, Bueno, M, Brands, J, Mora, AL, Lee, JS, Krauss-Etschmann, S, Dmitrieva, A, Frankenberger, M, Hofer, TP, Noessner, E, Moosmann, A, Behr, J, Milger, K, Deeg, CA, Staab-Weijnitz, CA, Hauck, SM, Adler, H, Goldmann, T, Gaede, KI, Behrends, J, Kammerl, IE & Meiners, S 2023, 'Antiviral CD8+ T cell immune responses are impaired by cigarette smoke and in COPD', The European respiratory journal, Jg. 62, Nr. 2, 2201374.

Dühring, L, Petry, J, Lilienthal, G-M, Bartsch, YC, Kubiak, M, Pfeufer, C, Lehrian, S, Buhre, JS, Lunding, HB, Kern, C, Behrends, J, Walsemann, T, Gädert, L, Sommer, C, Krüger, L, Blanchard, V, Dehmel, S, Jappe, U, Rahmöller, J & Ehlers, M 2023, 'Sialylation of IgE reduces FcεRIα interaction and mast cell and basophil activation in vitro and increases IgE half-life in vivo', ALLERGY, Jg. 78, Nr. 8, S. 2301-2305.

Mamat, U, Hein, M, Grella, D, Taylor, CS, Scholzen, T, Alio, I, Streit, WR, Huedo, P, Coves, X, Conchillo-Solé, O, Gómez, A-C, Gibert, I, Yero, D & Schaible, UE 2023, 'Improved mini-Tn7 Delivery Plasmids for Fluorescent Labeling of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia', APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY , Jg. 89, Nr. 6, S. e0031723.



Offermann, A, Joerg, V, Becker, F, Roesch, MC, Kang, D, Lemster, A-L, Behrends, J, Merseburger, AS, Culig, Z, Sailer, V, Brägelmann, J, Kirfel, J & Perner, S 2022, 'Inhibition of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 8/Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 19 Suppresses Its Pro-Oncogenic Effects in Prostate Cancer', American journal of pathology.

Ritter K, Behrends J, Rückerl D, Hölscher A, Volz J, Prinz I, Hölscher C. High-Dose Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37rv Infection in IL-17A- and IL-17A/F-Deficient Mice. Cells. 2022 Sep 14;11(18):2875. doi: 10.3390/cells11182875. PMID: 36139450; PMCID: PMC9496946.



Dr. Jochen Behrends
Dr. Jochen Behrends
Leitung zentrale Einheit Fluoreszenz-Zytometrie Mitglied in der DGfZ, Co-Moderator bei CYTOMETRY.DE
+49 4537 / 188-5951
+49 4537 / 188-6860
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Dr. Thomas Scholzen
Dr. Thomas Scholzen
Leitung zentrale Einheit Fluoreszenz-Zytometrie
+49 4537 / 188-5970
+49 4537 / 188-6970
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Technical Staff

Manuel Hein
Manuel Hein
+49 4537 / 188-4840
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Martina Hein
Martina Hein
+49 4537 / 188-4840
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Last Update: 08.01.2024