Prof. Dr. Caroline Barisch
- Vita:
- FG Gruppe_en: Host-Microbe Interactome

- Position:
- Assoziiert mit dem Fachbereich Biologie & der MIN-Fakultät der Universität Hamburg
- Address
Zentrum für strukturelle Systembiolgie (CSSB)
DESY, Gebäude 15
Notkestraße 85
D-22607 Hamburg
Twitter: @barisch_c -
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- +49 40 / 8998-87620
- Website
Miscellaneous Information
- Miscellaneous Information
Caroline studied Biology at the University of Bayreuth and received her PhD from the University of Kassel in 2010. During her PhD in the lab of Prof. Markus Maniak she isolated lipid droplets from the model organism Dictyostelium discoideum and characterized the lipid droplet proteome.
In 2011 Caroline started her postdoc in the lab of Prof. Thierry Soldati at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. During the first years, she used the D. discoideum / M. marinum infection system to study lipid droplet dynamics during mycobacteria infection.
2016 she was promoted “maître assistante” and established several tools to monitor lipid flows from D. discoideum to intracellular mycobacteria. Besides lipid metabolism, Caroline also worked on zinc and ZnT transporters and their role in the bactericidal defense of D. discoideum and during mycobacteria infection.
In September 2019 Caroline started the junior research group Molecular Infection Biology at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. The main research interest of the group is to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which intracellular mycobacteria acquire host lipids. In 2023 Caroline Barisch joined the Research Center Borstel (FZB) and the Biology Department of the University of Hamburg. The Barisch lab is now located at Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) @DESY, Hamburg in autumn 2023.