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Leibniz Research Alliance  INFECTIONS - Symposium  “Antimicrobial resistance: The silent pandemic”

10.+11. März 2025

 Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften - ISAS - e.V., Otto-Hahn Straße 6b, 44227 Dortmund, Germany



Leibniz Research Alliance  INFECTIONS - Symposium  “Antimicrobial resistance: The silent pandemic”

Improved hygiene and better prevention and treatment have diminished the incidence of infectious diseases particularly in industrialized countries over the past decades, with antibiotics playing a major role in removing the fear of infectious diseases. However, increasing antimicrobial resistance and emergence of new pathogens, together with changes in pathogen distribution due to altered climate and mobility are increasing global challenges for humankind.

Working on a strong interdisciplinary and cooperative infection research agenda the Leibniz Research Alliance „INFECTIONS in an Urbanizing Word – Humans, Animals, Environments” opens up new avenues of communication across disciplines to approach the globally relevant health and societal challenge of infectious disease transmission with focus on the spread of antimicrobial resistant microbes. Experts from various scientific fields will present their latest findings. Young researchers will present in a poster session. A panel discussion will conclude the symposium.


Program: Download Flyer.

Register HERE. Registration deadline February 17, 2025.



Research Center Borstel
Leibniz Lung Center
Parkallee 1-40
D-23845 Borstel

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