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Dr. Aby Anand
Stellvertretung / Deputy, PostDoc
Zentrum für strukturelle Systembiolgie (CSSB)
DESY, Gebäude 15
Notkestraße 85
D-22607 Hamburg

Twitter: @AbyAnand1
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+49 40 / 8998-87621


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Aby studied Biotechnology at the Karunya University in India and then came to Germany for higher education. He graduated with a MSc degree in Biosciences at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg. For hist master project, he succeeded in achieving the study completion grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and performed his master thesis in Molecular Infection Biology with the group of Roy Gross at the Biocenter, Würzburg. The objective of his master thesis was to investigate the role of dermonecrotic toxin of Bordetella pertussis, the pathogen which causes pertussis, in the interaction with human bronchial epithelial cells. Therefore, he infected monolayers of airway cells and engineered 3D tissue models. He became very interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying host-pathogen interactions. To acquire deeper knowledge in the field of infection biology, he joined the Barisch lab in June 2020 as a PhD student to work on mycobacterial infection using Dictyostelium discoideum as a model host. ​In September 2023 Aby successfully defended his PhD and moved to the CSSB in October 2023.