Béla Boumazy
- Vita: https://fz-borstel.de/bela-boumazy
- FG Gruppe_de: Wirts-Mikroben Interaktom

- Position:
- Lab Technician
- Adresse
Zentrum für strukturelle Systembiolgie (CSSB)
DESY, Gebäude 15
Notkestraße 85
D-22607 Hamburg -
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- +49 40 / 8998-87621
- Website
- https://www.barischlabcssb.com
Weitere Informationen
- Weitere Informationen
Béla is a Biological Technical Assistant who recently graduated from the School of Life Science in Hamburg. His scientific journey took him to Manchester, UK, where he worked in a nutritional laboratory investigating the carotenoid composition of various fruits and human plasma using advanced HPLC methods.
His thirst for knowledge brought him to DESY, where he carried out an internship on the development of specialised smNPC neurons from induced pluripotent stem cells. This work allowed him to explore the complexities of neural development in depth.
At the University of Hamburg, he joined the Behavioral Biology laboratory of Prof. Dr. Jutta Schneider for a second internship. Here, he gained extensive experience working with live subjects, such as Latrodectus spiders and praying mantises thus enhancing his understanding of behavioral science.
Since joining Caroline Barisch's lab at CSSB in November 2023, he has been an integral part of pioneering projects in infection biology, contributing his expertise and skills to the forefront of scientific discovery.