MSc Paulo Glatz
- Vita:
- FG Gruppe_de: Wirts-Mikroben Interaktom

- Position:
- PhD Student
- Adresse
Zentrum für strukturelle Systembiolgie (CSSB)
DESY, Gebäude 15
Notkestraße 85
D-22607 Hamburg - - Telefon
- +49 40 / 8998-87621
- Website
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Studying at the University of Freiburg, Paulo gained expertise across diverse research domains. As an undergraduate, his research within the Reiff research group focused on animal physiology/neurobiology, investigating the neurological anatomy of Drosophila melanogaster and its motor behavior using genetic and optogenetic methods.
Utilizing pharmacological applications and immunohistological techniques, he later explored neural stem cell niches in Danio rerio embryos in neurodevelopmental biology within the Driever research group.
During his masters, he worked in the neuropathology at the University Clinic Freiburg with the Prinz research group. Here, Paulo enhanced his abilities in immunohistochemical methods, flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. While working on his MSc thesis, he contributed significantly, developing a novel method for culturing tissue-specific macrophages (Aktories et al. 2022). Conducting and analyzing diverse immunoassays like Seahorse and Legendplex, Paulos research focused on “immune metabolic profiling and functional characterisation of tissue-resident macrophage-like cultures”. Alongside his work in academic research, he also enjoyed tutoring BSc students for several years in animal physiology.In 2023, Paulo embarked on a new academic journey, relocating to Hamburg to pursue his PhD in the Barisch Lab. His current research delves into the complexities of mycobacterial infection, utilizing the sophisticated biological mechanisms of human macrophages to gain deeper insights in this important field of research.