MSc Sylvana Victoria Hüttel
- Vita:
- FG Gruppe_de: Wirts-Mikroben Interaktom

- Position:
- PhD Studentin
- Adresse
Zentrum für strukturelle Systembiolgie (CSSB)
DESY, Gebäude 15
Notkestraße 85
D-22607 Hamburg
Twitter: @SylvanaHuettel -
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- +49 40 / 8998-87621
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Sylvana pursued her MSc at the University of Munich and she performed two research internships in England and Munich to get specialized in Infection Biology. The project at the Bob Champions Research Institute of the University of East Anglia dealt with the influence of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli and their outer membrane vesicles on human macrophages. Furthermore, she investigated the infection processes of human adenovirus at the Department of Molecular Virology of Helmholtz Institute of Neuherberg. From this point on, she wanted to know more about host-pathogen interactions, which is why she started her PhD in April 2021 in the group of Caroline Barisch within the DFG priority program "Exit strategies of intracellular pathogens" (SPP2225). In October 2023 Sylvana moved to the CSSB in Hamburg together with the other members of the Barisch lab.